PharmCAS institutions are instructed to select a final (enforced) application deadline and a priority application deadline, if desired. Please refer to the PharmCAS School Manual for related policies. Non-PharmCAS institutions must enter an application deadline and fee amount.
SAVE DRAFT will store your entries, but will not check for missing or bad data. Once all sections are done, click “Check for Errors” on the Overview screen.
This section provides general information about your institution and your pharmacy program to prospective applicants.
Review AACP's Pharm.D. program structure descriptions. Early Assurance and other alternative enrollment options should not be disclosed in this question (refer to questions #10-13).
Review the full descriptions below before selection:
Review the full descriptions below before selection. If you offer multiple pathways, select "Other" and describe:
Only enter dual degrees that meet all of the following criteria. The dual degree must...
Do not include the following types of programs, as defined by AACP:
FYI: SACS and selected institutions refer to dual degrees as ‘combination’ degrees. If your school uses the term “combination” degrees for programs that meet all of the PharmCAS criteria for dual degrees, then enter them in this section.
Provide a concise description of your institution's program to prospective applicants. Entries must not exceed 2,000 characters including spaces.
Enter the program’s admissions criteria for the upcoming entering class. Estimated data is acceptable (Do not enter ranges). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Please enter every REQUIRED course prerequisite. Select the subject that best matches the course content. If the program requires more than one course in the same subject (e.g., Biology I and Biology II), enter the courses separately on the form. Do NOT combine them into a single entry. AACP will use the course subjects posted on the directory pages to populate the annual "Course Prerequisite Summary" table. The number of times a course subject appears on the directory page will be equated with the number of courses required by the program in that particular subject. The information will help applicants and programs more easily compare course prerequisites across institutions. Use the text box to provide additional details about your prerequisites, such as recommended courses, alternate courses, prerequisite tracks, and other details.
The Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT®) was retired on January 10, 2024. No PCAT testing dates will be offered during the 2024–2025 admissions cycle or beyond. All test takers may continue to request Official Transcripts and Personal Score Reports through the Pearson website until December 2024.
This section is about evaluations, also known as letters of reference or recommendation (LORs).
PharmCAS will NOT verify that an applicant selected the correct evaluator type for your particular institution.
* If you are a non-PharmCAS institution, please ignore all references to PharmCAS and still complete this section.
Pharmacists who previously earned a bachelor's degree in pharmacy in the United States (U.S.) or abroad may pursue a nontraditional post-baccalaureate (post-B.S./post-Bacc) Pharm.D. degree offered by colleges and schools of pharmacy accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Nontraditional post-B.S. programs are ONLY available to pharmacists who currently hold a pharmacy license in the U.S. and have:
Foreign-trained pharmacists without a U.S. license are NOT eligible for post-B.S. Pharm.D. programs. Additionally, this field does NOT refer to your school's entry-level Pharm.D. degree program for students without a pharmacy degree. Most programs answer "no" to this question.